日本語訳監修: 木下佳代子 ジェックス参与
COVID 19から安全に過ごすことができる範囲で、素敵なクリスマスと新年をお過ごしいただけたことと
目標を設定するのに有効な時期であることはご存知のとおりです。 そうすることで、1年を通して達成した
ことをチェックすることができ、満足感を得ることができます。 何度もお話ししているように、患者さん
お勧めします。 このビデオはほんの数分ですが、緩和ケアのコンセプトをどのように伝えるべきかについて
多くの貴重な教訓を与えてくれます。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SB0was3q3c この件に関する
もし、追加情報が必要な分野があれば、julie@palliativeeducation.com にリクエスト(英語または日本語)
お元気で, ジュリーより
Disclaimer: January 2023 免責条項:
Australian International Palliative Education and Consultancy Services (AIPEACS) は、Julie’s Update シリーズ内 -
AIPEACSは、このシリーズにより提供される情報の利用、依存によるいかなる法的責任、怪我、紛失、損害については、 -
責任は負いません 。
Australian International Palliative Education and Consultancy Services Pty. Ltd -
Julie’s Update: January 2023 (原文) -
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year within the parameters of being safe
with COVID 19.
As we know at the start of each year it is a useful time to reflect on the last 12 months, to acknowledge
what we have achieved and to establish our professional goals for this year. This will give us a sense of
satisfaction as we progress through the year as we begin to tick off what we have achieved.
As discussed on many occasions, don’t forget to include a self-care goal for yourself to ensure
your care for yourself as well as you care for your patients. If your goals relate to palliative care
topics, please let me know so I can assist with discussions within the monthly updates.
To start the year off I would encourage you to have a go at listening to a satirical video by a Dr Rubenstein
about the lack of understanding of palliative care, and the common way palliative care is wrongly promoted
in the media with the use of pictures of elderly hands. The video only goes for a few minutes and
provides many valuable lessons on how we should present the concept of palliative care.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SB0was3q3c I would be very interested in your thoughts
on this.
If you have any particular areas you would like additional information on, please forward your request
(either in English or Japanese) to julie@palliativeeducation.com and we will ensure that this is discussed.
Please let me know how you are going as we would enjoy sharing your thoughts and experiences on
palliative care, so that we can continue to learn from each other.
I am looking forward to our next month’s catch up.
Take care, Julie