Julie Paul, Director, AIPEACS
日本語訳 監修 木下佳代子 ジェックス参与
- ● Vital Talks(ヴァイタルトークス)は、「むつかしい」会話に焦点を当てた4本のビデオで次のようなテーマを取り扱ってい
- ます。 https://www.vitaltalk.org/topics/covid-videos/
- ・外来患者と事前対策計画を話し合う
- ・家族の代表者とのケアについての話し合い
- ・人工呼吸器の抜管について
- ・家族との電話による最後のお別れ
- これらのビデオは、難しい会話に対して最善のヒントや方法について学ぶのに役立つ資料です。
- 4本のビデオ全部を視聴されることをお勧めします。そして、この中より、どのような方法でこの
- 難しい状況下でのあなたの看護をより良いものにすることができるか考えてみましょう。
- ● Vital Talksは、書面でも役に立つ資料もあります。
- https://www.vitaltalk.org/topics/covid-collaborative-resources/
- ● マスクを通して人間性を保つ:コロナ禍の心のこもったコミュニケーション
- マシアス・シュロギ医学博士、クリストファー・ジョーンズ医学博士共著 2020年4月。
- [事務局より]
直接、ジュリーさんに、メールを出しにくい場合は、ご遠慮なく、ジェックス事務局(nurse@jeccs.org ) まで、日本語でご連絡ください。感想、質問などをお待ちしています。
- Disclaimer: January 2021 免責条項:
- Australian International Palliative Education and Consultancy Services (AIPEACS) は、Julie’s Corner シリーズ内の内容につき正確な情報の提供に細心の注意を注いでいますが、特にある事柄についての専門的意見を提供するものではありません。このシリーズに含まれる情報は、独立した専門家の見解に取って代るものではありません。また、医療上の助言として利用したり、何らかの疾患の治療、手当、又は、予防のために使用されるものではありません。
- AIPEACSは、このシリーズにより提供される情報の利用、依存によるいかなる法的責任、怪我、紛失、損害については、責任は負いません
- Australian International Palliative Education and Consultancy Services Pty. Ltd
Julie’s Corner: January 2021 (原文)
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year within the parameters of being save with COVID 19.
As we enter into 2021 with a little more hope with the development of vaccines for COVID 19, we know that this year will still be a little uncertain.
Whilst there is a degree of uncertainty around us it is still important to establish our professional goals for this year at the start of 2021. This will give us a sense of direction for our self directed learnings and hopefully a sense of achievement towards the end of 2021, as we begin to tick off what we have achieved.
As discussed last month don’t forget to include a self care goal for yourself to ensure your care for yourself as well as you care for your patients. If your goals relate to palliative care topics please let me know so I can assist with discussions within the monthly updates.
- This month I would like to share four COVID resources focussing on importance of communication. I have come across these specifically from a palliative care perspective, that may be of interest to you.
- ● Vital talks has 4 short videos https://www.vitaltalk.org/topics/covid-videos/ focussing on examples of “difficult”
- conversations including:
- ・ Talking to an outpatient about proactive planning
- ・ A goal of care talk with a family surrogate
- ・ Withdrawing a ventilator
- ・A family phone goodbye
- These videos are great learning resources with excellent tips and strategies on the best way to approach difficult conversations. I would encourage you to listen to all 4 of the videos and consider what strategies
- you could use to improve your practice in this area.
- ● Vital talks also has a number of written resources/ helpful approaches you may find useful
- https://www.vitaltalk.org/topics/covid-collaborative-resources/
- ● Maintaining our Humanity through the mask: Mindful communication during COVID 19.
- Mathias Schlogl MD. Christopher Jones MD. April 2020.
- This is a letter to the editor of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society highlighting strategies to be used when communicating with a mask insitu. It reminds us of the importance of non verbal communication and the challenges with the use of face masks.
For an overview of international resources, the European Association of Palliative Care website has a number of resources in a variety of languages, under the heading ‘Coronavirus and the palliative carer response” https://www.eapcnet.eu/publications/coronavirus-and-the-palliative-care-response/ .
If you are interested in a particular area of palliative care and COVID 19, then a search of this site is a good place to start.
If you have any particular areas you would like additional information on, please forward your request (either in English or Japanese) to julie@palliativeeducation.com and we will ensure that this is discussed.
Please let me know how you are going as we would enjoy sharing your thoughts and experiences on palliative care, so that we can continue to learn from each other.
I am looking forward to our next month’s catch up. Take care Julie